Star and Rarity here. Heya guys!

Star and Rarity here. Heya guys!

Sunday 2 November 2014

Hey everyone i have just realised that well.....I AM SO ASHAMED TO SAY THIS BUT....I FORGOT TO ASK JESS TO MAKE THAT VID ABOUT OUR SHARED ACCOUNT WITH ME HER AND ISLA ;( I AM SO SORRY FANS ;( but u kno what dw and make me feel even worse cos u kno what, i just remembered today and asked her to do the vid! The link is not ready yet cos jess is just doing a other vid with a friend at the mo but as soon as she is done (won't be long) she will do the vid about the shared account. I will send the link to the video when she has uploaded it so i will post either later today or tommorow morning....or evening as i am back to school tommorow! Anyways thnx for reading i will keep u informed

Starshine302 / izzy <---- nickname ;3
Btw the shared account is now level six (help is to level seven pls we will appreciate it!) and has now got better clothing.
But this pic here is the old pic i have used before but i am not gonna get a new
pic of her as there is no point
as she doesn't look as good as she should be yet. anyways yeah thnx for reading!!
Sorry for the long note i didn't realize it would be the long O_O

Hey Guys Its Rarity (AKA Jess) And I Just Wanted To Say That I Edited My Blog If You Want To Check It Out Its:

My Friend Just Skyped Me That She Made an Acc Called RarityLove2004 GREAT! Another Imposter Gosh Ppl

Seriously I Hate Some Of My Friends :/

No Hate Please -.-

I've Also Had Other Imposters That Idk Who They Are?


She Bought One Of My Looks And Also Kinda Copied My Status -.-

Iloverarity6 2014

Theres Also This Girl But I Know Who She Is Shes My Best Friend And Idm About Her Cause It Was Loooooong Time Ago And I Let Her :D 

So Yeah..... Please Dont Imposter Me Anymore Pls?


How has ur half term been? MINE WAS EPIC! I went rock climbing with a friend at Xscape and we were going to do that sky diving thing were u r blasted up into the air by a fan but we didn;t have a reservation so we couldn't ): BUT OVERALL MY HALF TERM WAS GREEEEEEEAAAAAAAT! also i went to the fair with other friends and also i saw someone yesterday to hang out but yeah like i said HOW WAS UR HALF TERM!??
Write in the comments peeeeeeeeeeeeeepssssssssss ;)
Oh and also stay cool
Starshine302 / izzy <------ nickname ;3

Monday 27 October 2014

Heyooo mayoooo people, so today i came up with a idea....AND I THINK IT IS GENIUS! Wanna hear what the geennnniiiuuuussssss idea was? WELL IDC IF U WANNA HEAR IT OR NOT COS U R GONNA HERE IT ANYWAYS XD So i came up with a idea for me and isla also rarity (jess) to have a shared account on moviestarplanet. We need ur help tho. We need u to add it and help it level up pls. It is called IJI Bffs Btw the IJI bit stands for Isabelle (my name but still call me izzy) jess (rarity) and isla who has the same name on her msp account. So anyways yeah we need ur help! Tell ur friends about this pls we would very much appreciate it. Tomorrow i will ask jess to issue a new video on our utube account about this account so u have all the info u need and any questions u have ask IslaXD (isla) Starshine302 (ME!) Iloverarity5 2013 (jess). Thnx for reading people. Btw the account is only level four and is a beginner as we started today and she doesn't look great either. The only good thing about her is her eyes....but yeah not great. This is why we need ur help people SO HELP! Thnx for reading people x Starshine302 / izzy <---- nickname ;3

Btw new short movie on the account explaining about what i have been talking about just now and new AB doing same thing but in a different way of explaining pls check them both out and share them :)
OH and here is a pic of our account ------> 

Sunday 26 October 2014

YEP HERE IT IS!!!!!!!! Look how many veiws!!!!! ;)
Thnx everyone i couldn't do it without u.
But just a quick note pls don't forget to Suscribe/Follow/Sub cos at the mo we have tons of veiws on our google profile , blog and utube account but we don't have that many suscribers so pls don't forget to suscribe as well as look okay! THNXXXXX
Starshine302 / izzy <---- nickname ;3

Thursday 23 October 2014

Hey people checking this post out cos u r probs bored! I have some news. I may be quitting msp. I don't care about it anymore....but i will be still keeping in touch with those who added me onto skype from there so don't worry about it :) But yeah it's a bit boring now and there is no point in playing it...Nobody really misses me nore my fans and it's changing to much and becoming verrryyyyy dull! sorry if u disagree with me but this is my opinion. Anyways yeah i might be quitting still don't kno...but i mght come on every now and again. Depends i will keep u updated on what i am thinking of what to do with my acc. Anyways thnx for reading... And to cheer u up watch this try not to laugh vid ;)

Starshine302 / Izzy <--- nickname ;3

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Hey everyone still not on moviestarplanet yet ....sorry fans i still feel awful but pls don't send me messages on skype saying " WHEN R U COMMING BACK THE FAN CLUB MISS U" or "STAR WHEN R U COMMING BACK U R DISSAPOINTING ME"
Seriously it makes me feel wretched ):
Anyways on a more jolly note i will now update u with latest news.....NOTHING TO SAY!!!
Starshine302 / izzy <---- nickname -.-