Star and Rarity here. Heya guys!

Star and Rarity here. Heya guys!

Thursday 28 August 2014

Msp Got Destroyed -_____-

Msp Destroyed Everything


2. Black Theme

3.This Thing Keeps Loading Even Though I'm Already Logged In

4.I See All Kind Of Werid Glitches

And The Activaties Bar -_-

And The Messages 'o'

When I Have No Actual Messages -_-

5.Star Is Not Properly Online On Skype Or Msp

She Doesn't Reply But Look

Shes Online :/

6. Only Three Ppl Online :/

And Last Thing 

7. I'm Bored :/

So Thats Is Guys I Will Keep Adding Stuff If Anything Else Happens ;)

By Rarity / Jessie <- Nickname As You All Know ;)

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