Star and Rarity here. Heya guys!

Star and Rarity here. Heya guys!

Wednesday 27 August 2014

This Happened For Real On Skype :D But First Hear The Song Before You Read :)

Okay Now You Must Read It By Hearing the Song At The Same Time :D

Now You May Read

Rarity: Star Can I Tell You A Joke?

Star: Yuuhhu xD

Rarity: What Do You Call A Tick On The Moon?

Star: No Idea .. O-O
What Do U Call A Tick On The Moon? O_O

Rarity: A Luna-Tic Like You

Star: Woooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh xD

Rarity: xD

If You Want Proof Then Here It Is :D

Hahaha xD

Trolly Star xD

Rarity / Jessie <- Nickname x3

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