Star and Rarity here. Heya guys!

Star and Rarity here. Heya guys!

Monday 29 September 2014

Some new updates to this blog!

Heya have u noticed the changes to the blog? WELL THERE R CHANGES! Do u like them? we r only trying to satisfy people who look at our blog :) The rate checking out our blog everyday is very good actually keep up the good work everyone. Btw if u do not play MSP AKA moviestarplanet u probably won't understand what we r on about most of the time or what the pics r of but it's okay just comment it on the thing u don't understand and we will update that to and we will talk about more in general stuff. How does that sound? Also feel free to comment on this blog post aswell :) Anyways thnx for reading xD STARSHINE302 / IZZY <-- NICKNAME ;3 THNX FOR READING AND HOPE TO SEE COMMENTS SOON!!!!! :)

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